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ILLUSTRATION AND DESIGN EXPERIENCE Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University. Freelance graphic designer. 2005–2008. University of California, Santa Cruz. Freelance illustrator. 2005–7. Educational Publishing Services, Inc. Freelance illustrator and art developer. 2005. Bishop Museum. Biological illustration intern. Honolulu, HI. October–December 2004. Scientific American magazine. Art/design intern. New York, NY. June–September 2004. Stanford University Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Freelance illustrator. Palo Alto, CA. June 2004. Harvard University Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. Freelance illustrator. Palo Alto, CA. January–May 2004. Island Press. Art Director of educational CD-ROM: Conserving Earth’s Biodiversity with E.O. Wilson. Boston, MA, and La Honda, CA. 1996–1999.
Traditional media:
Freelance proofreader and copyeditor. Boston, MA and Palo Alto, CA. 1994–present. Senior copywriter. Beeline Group, Newark, CA. 2000–2003. Biology research assistant. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, fall 1999–spring 2000; Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO, summers 1995, 1996, 1999; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1992-6.
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Graduate Certificate in Science Illustration, 2004.
Guild of Natural Science Illustrators
Filoli 18th Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. April–June 2016. The Alcatraz Florilegium: A Special Botanical Art Exhibit. Group show of the complete Alcatraz Florilegium to date. UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, Berkeley CA. January 2016. Alcatraz Florilegium 2015. Juried collection by members of the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists, featuring plants growing on the island of Alcatraz. Painting: "California fuchsia (Epilobium canum)". Ongoing exhibit venues. CNPS 2015 Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. California Native Plant Society, 2015 Conservation Conference, San Jose CA. January 2015. "Quercus agrifolia" received honorable mention. Filoli 16th Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. April–June 2014. The Art of Saving Oaks. Invitational group show (online). California Oak Mortality Task Force website, www.suddenoakdeath.org. February 2014–February 2015. Diversity in the Botanical World: Works by the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. Juried group show. Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture, San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum. May–August 2013. The Art of Nature. Annual group show with members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Northern California chapter. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Santa Cruz CA. April–June 2013. Plants Illustrated. Annual group show with members of the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, Berkeley CA. January–February 2013. Drawing from Nature. Group show with members of the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. Thoreau Center for Sustainability, San Francisco CA. June–August 2012. The Art of Nature. Annual group show with members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Northern California chapter. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Santa Cruz CA. April–June 2012. Plants Illustrated. Annual group show with members of the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, Berkeley CA. January–February 2012. CNPS 2012 Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. California Native Plant Society, 2012 Conservation Conference, San Diego CA. January 2012. "Fremontodendron californicum" received honorable mention. Endangered Neighbors. Group show. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Santa Cruz CA. June–September 2011. Filoli Thirteenth Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. June–July 2011. "Fremontodendron californicum" received the Roth Award for "distinction with an emphasis on traditional botanical art presentation." The Art of Nature. 2nd annual group show with members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Northern California chapter. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Santa Cruz CA. April–June 2011. Plants Illustrated. 2nd annual group show with members of the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, Berkeley CA. January 2011. ASBA 13th Annual International Juried Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show presented by the Horticultural Society of New York and the American Society of Botanical Artists. HSNY Gallery, New York NY. September–November 2010. The Art of Nature. New group show with members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Northern California chapter. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Santa Cruz CA. March–April 2010. Plants Illustrated. 1st annual group show with members of the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, Berkeley CA. January 2010. The Art of Nature. Group show with members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Northern California chapter. Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill CA. September–October 2009. Filoli Eleventh Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. June–August 2009. CNPS Botanical Art Contest. Juried group show. California Native Plant Society, 2009 Conservation Conference, Sacramento CA. January 2009. "Toyon" received honorable mention. Filoli Tenth Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. July–August 2008. Natural Visions. Group show with members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Northern California chapter. Lindsay Wildlife Museum, Walnut Creek, CA. June–September 2008. The Illustrator. Group show. Kings Art Center, Hanford CA. June–August 2008. Alumnae Art Show. Group show. Anita Seipp Gallery of Castilleja School, Palo Alto CA. April–May 2008. Filoli Ninth Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. June–July 2007. GNSI-California. Group show. AWE Gallery, San Francisco CA. January 2007. Bidwell Park and Beyond: Scientific Illustrators Explore the Meaning of Parks and Public Green Space. Group show. Chico Creek Nature Center, Chico CA. October 2006–May 2007. Filoli Eighth Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. June–July 2006. Filoli Seventh Annual Botanical Art Exhibition. Juried group show. Filoli, Woodside CA. July–August 2005. Guild of Natural Science Illustrators Exhibition. Juried group show. The Art Institute of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ. November 2004–January 2005. Illustrating Nature. Group show of science illustration graduate student works. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Santa Cruz CA. April–June 2004. |